Saturday, October 22, 2011

Getting to know your professional contact---Part 3

My professional contact has worked in Germany for the past about 12 years with the military child development centers.  I spoke to my professional contact about the questions for this week regarding issue regarding quality and early childhood professionals, professional development, goals, and hopes and dreams. 

What issues regarding quality and early childhood professionals are being discussed where you live and work?

Even though military tends to pay better in the EC field, salaries and compensation are continuously a struggle and complaint with teachers and for good reason.  Even though, legally we cannot ask nor expect teachers to take work home, you know it is happening.  Quality teacher’s work is never done.  You cannot accomplish everything you need to for a classroom of that many children in a 35 to 40 hour week.  It is almost impossible.  I wish there was more we could do to compensate our teaching staff other than pats on the back. 

What opportunities and/or requirements for professional development exist?

There are many opportunities for professional development now, especially with online schools becoming more and more accessible and popular.  Quality online programs are looked at as a consideration, however.  Some online programs are not accredited and therefore are not counted towards professional development.  I always encourage staff to look into online schools before putting time and money into it. 

What are some of your professional goals?

At this point in my career, I am retiring.  I have been in the early childhood profession for many many years. Too many to name!  But I would like to remain active within the early education field through accreditation volunteering and remaining an active advocate for young children on a local community level.  I am heading back to the United States to my home state and hope to retire peacefully!

What are some of your professional hopes, dreams, and challenges?

I feel that I have been very fortunate in the early childhood field and within my profession.  I started as a substitute with Head Start with no education background or degree other than a high school diploma.  I look!  I am running Child Development Center in Germany.  It is incredible.  I have been able to inspire teachers to further their education while seeing many programs become nationally accredited.  I see the difference we make in the lives of young children every day and that is inspiring to me.  I love the field of early childhood education and I would not have changed my path for anything.  It was not all roses for me and it has been a bumpy road.  I have questioned whether or not I wanted to stay in the EC field many many times and considered changing careers as well.  But in the end, God knew young children were who I was meant to educate.


  1. Julie,
    Your international contact seems like an inspirational person. I think it’s great that she started as a substitute with no experience and no education and now she runs a program in Germany. I’ve known a lot of people like that and they are great teachers. Even though they don’t have a formal education, they are people who are warm and caring with children. That’s what’s really important. Now, you need a formal education to get ahead in almost any field, but it’s not everything. We still need to remember the human aspect.

  2. Julie,
    Wonderful post! Your international contact sounds like a wonderful person and a truly dedicated educator.

  3. Julie, your contact information was inspirational. Advocacy is very important in the field of EC. Best wishes to your contact.
