My Supports!

I want to start this blog by saying my family is my biggest supporter!  Without my husband, children, parents, family, and friends, I would not be who I am today, where I am today, or as happy as I am today!  I thank God everyday that I am so blessed to be surrounded by so many people to love me for who I am!!!  Also, being a military wife, full-time employee, student, and most of all, Mommy, I also need high levels of organization.  I do this with family calendars, children's chore charts, alarm clocks, weekly menus, shopping lists, and even shelves in my children's closet to lay out clothes on for the entire week! Below are some pictures of them:
I think it is important to have a weekly calendar with reminders. I also feel that having chore charts help to teach my children about responsibility and get them helping out around the house!
I find it very helpful to stack the children's clothes for the entire week on Sunday. The boys are then able to get dressed on their own without any assistance from me.

Life Challenges:
The challenge that I thought of was medical challenges.  I thought of this one because just recently my cousin's wife was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She is one of the most beautiful, kind, and loving woman and mommy of two that you would ever meet!  I think when you deal with a medical issue in your daily life, it adds a level of stress, anxiety, scared and so much more to your ability to function on a day to day basis. Even though, you are diagnosed with such a disease, living your daily routine must go on.  The party does not stop (with the children). Having the organizing tools, such as alarm clocks, clothes stacking shelves, chore charts, and FAMILY (most of all!!!) would help to balance the everyday life!  I would believe that family and emotional support would be extremely important in times such as this!  I wish her the best and will keep her in my daily thoughts and prayers!!!